Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Tickets to the 2025 Newport Global Summit includes access to:
Day 1: August 19
Opening Lunch | Newport Art Museum
Summit Sessions | Newport Art Museum
Dinner | Location TBA
Day 2: August 20
Summit Sessions | U.S. Naval War College
Lunch | U.S. Naval War College
Reception & Dinner | Belcourt of Newport
*VIP Reception invitations are included at select sponsorship levels. Details below.
There are limited number of sponsorship opportunities available for the 2024 Newport Global Summit. For more information, contact: Katharine (Kitty) B. Cushing | 646-512-3998 | kitty@newportglobalsummit.
Gilded Sponsors will receive the following benefits:
10 Tickets to the Newport Global Summit
10 Invitation to VIP Receptions
Recognition from the podium during the Opening Dinner and Summit Sessions
Opportunity to be a keynote speaker
VIP seating throughout the event
Full-page advertisement in printed program
Prominent logo recognition in event materials, including: website, program, & slides + company profile
Gold sponsors will receive the following benefits:
6 Tickets to the Newport Global Summit
6 Invitation to VIP Receptions
Recognition from the podium during the Opening Dinner and Summit Sessions
Opportunity to be a featured speaker (20 minute session)
VIP seating throughout the event
Half-page advertisement in printed program
Logo recognition in event materials, including: website, program, & slides
Silver Sponsors will receive the following benefits:
4 Tickets to the Newport Global Summit
4 Invitation to VIP Reception
Opportunity to be a featured speaker (panel session)
Preferred seating throughout the event
Quarter-page advertisement in printed program
Logo recognition in event materials, including: website, program, & slides
Bronze sponsors will receive the following benefits:
2 Tickets to the Newport Global Summit
2 Invitation to VIP Reception
Preferred seating throughout the event
Quarter-page advertisement in printed program
Logo recognition in event materials, including: website, program, & slides
Feature your business in our event program and slideshow at the opening dinner!
Full Page Advertisement - $2000
Full-page advertisement in Newport Global Summit event booklet
Photo slides of the advertisement and a product slide featured during the opening dinner slideshow at the Gardiner House
Complimentary ticket to Summit Sessions at Newport Art Museum | August 20
50% discount on Ticket to Summit Sessions at The Gardiner House | August 21
Full page ad - 5” wide x 7.75” tall 300 dpi tall
Half Page Advertisement - $1000
1/2 page advertisement in Newport Global Summit event Booklet
1 photo slide of advertisement during opening dinner slideshow at The Gardiner House
50% discount on Summit Sessions tickets
Half page ad - 5” wide x 3.795” tall
Quarter Page Advertisement - $500
1 photo slide of advertisement during opening dinner slideshow at The Gardiner House
1 photo slide of advertisement during opening dinner slideshow at The Gardiner House
25% discount on Summit Sessions tickets
Quarter page ad - 5” wide x 1.8975”
Benefits of Sponsorship
Features in email broadcasts, and websites leading up to the event, reaching a broad global network
Visibility and collaboration on programmatic content, speak opportunities, and panel topics
Receive access to our affiliates who support and promote the Summit with their networks, giving broader visibility to our sponsors.
Individual Tickets
Individual Tickets
$1,000 Individual or Family Office Tickets
$1,500 Institutional Participant Tickets
Tickets to the 2025 Newport Global Summit include participation in the Welcome & Opening Session | August 19 | Opening Dinner | August 19 Summit Sessions | August 20
Tickets to the Closing Dinner can be added for an additional cost. This event is by invitation only. Space is limited.