Alan Patricof

Co-Founder and Chairman of Primetime Partners, Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Greycroft, Board Member and Senior Advisor of Ceres Infrastructure Asset Management

A longtime innovator and advocate for venture capital, Alan entered the venture capital industry in its formative days with the creation in 1969 of Patricof & Co. Ventures Inc., a predecessor to Apax Partners – today, one of the world’s leading private equity firms with $60 billion under management. In 2006, he founded Greycroft Partners, a venture capital firm where he is currently Chairman Emeritus, to invest in leading early and expansion stage investments in digital media. Greycroft currently has $2B+ under management. In March 2019, Alan became a board member and senior advisor of Ceres Infrastructure to finance the renovation of core infrastructures in the US. During Covid, Mr. Patricof co-founded and is the chairperson of Primetime Partners, a venture capital fund leading investment in longevity tech. A serial fund manager, he has helped build and foster the growth of numerous major global companies, including, America Online, Office Depot, Cadence Systems, Cellular Communications, Inc., Apple Computer, FORE Systems, NTL, IntraLinks, Audible, Axios, and Wondery. He was also a founder and chairman of New York magazine.

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